
We invite you to become a member of the Academic Center of Excellence for Palliative Care Research and Education (ACE PACaRe).

UF ACE PACaRe membership is awarded to faculty who have a research, education or practice focus on palliative care.  Affiliate membership will be available to interested students and postdoctoral fellows.

Benefits of Membership Include:

  • Consultations for research
  • Collaboration for data collection
  • Data analysis
  • Opportunities to collaborate on palliative care research
  • Educational opportunities including  lecture series and inter-institutional collaborations
  • Affiliation with defined palliative care programs and participation with clinical practice and research teams

Responsibilities of membership:

  • Willingness to participate in ACE PACaRe leadership through service on committees; scientific leadership for shared resources and research programs; and participation in symposia, seminars, and presentation of original science;
  • Commitment to interdisciplinary research efforts, co-authoring with ACE PACaRe colleagues in peer reviewed publications and grant applications, where applicable;
  • Allocation of the Center portion of the indirect cost returns to the ACE PACaRe;
  • Provision of copies of ACE PACaRe related grant/contract applications to facilitate center planning for research programs and interdisciplinary initiatives;
  • Provision of periodic updates of publications, research support, NIH Biosketch, and other information that may be needed;
  • Participation in ACE PACaRe meetings and retreats;
  • Service on Cancer Center committees where applicable

ACE PACaRe administration will maintain membership information and facilitate recruitment of new members. The ACE PACaRe Leadership Committee, consisting of the Director and Associate Directors, will review and assign membership category, make membership assignments to research programs, and update the membership roster periodically. Faculty can apply for membership throughout the year and applications will be reviewed regularly.  The Director is responsible for final decisions for membership.